Štátnicové otázky (2. okruh) - Analýza účtovnej závierky
Štátnicové otázky135 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Vypracované štátnicové otázky na štatnice I. stupňa , odobor účtovníctvo. 2 okruh
zahŕňa otázky z predmetu Analýza účtovnej závierky
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Analýza účtovnej závierky - prednášky
Prednášky89 s. / 3. roč. / rar
Prednášky od prof. Šlosárovej z predmetu Analýza účtovnej závierky (AUZ). Obsahuje RAR archív s 2 word súbormi - dve verzie predášok - jedna verzia má 38 strán a druhá 51 strán.
• Analýza UZ – kniha, Anna Šlosárová po stranu 364
• Analýza UZ cvičebnica, Miriama Šulovská, Miloš Sklenka
• písomná a ústna
• písomná časť minimálne 13b
• 25 bodov – 5b účasť, 20 bodov zápočet
KH: utorok od 10:00 – 12:00 E7.10
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Štátnicové otázky (1. okruh) - Účtovníctvo A, Účtovníctvo B a Nákladové účtovníctvo
Štátnicové otázky168 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Vypracované otázky na štatníce I. stupňa , odobor účtovníctvo. 1 okruh zahŕňa otázky z predmetu účtovníctvo A, účtovníctvo B a Nákladové účtovníctvo.1. Účtovný informačný systém a jeho štruktúra. Cieľ, predmet a funkcie účtovníctva. Slovenská (Európska) právna úprava účtovníctva. Medzinárodná harmonizácia účtovníctva.
1.1 Účtovníctvo ako informačný systém a jeho štruktúra.
Jednotlivé prvky účtovného informačného systému sa odlišujú určitými znakmi, ktorými sú:
• zameranie na uspokojovanie ...
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The Countries Whose Language I am Learning - English speaking countries
Maturitné otázky13 s. / 1. roč. / rar
London is the capital of U.K. and it is the 9th largest city in the world. It lies on the river Thames in the south -east of England. The river Thames flows west to east and divides London into 2 parts. There live about 10 mil. people in London (with its suburbs).There is much to see in London and still is true what an English writer Samuel Johnson said 200years ago: „When a man is tired of London he is tired of life“.London is an exciting city of historic buildings, monuments, theatres, parts a...
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Young People and Their World
Maturitné otázky2 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Young people can be divided into 2 groups:a) teenagers - from 13 to 19 - Not easy age when young people grow up and get mor mature very fast. They have to study a lot, sometimes having part-time jobs to save some money. Being very sensitive and often exhausted they sometimes have misunderstandings and conflicts with parents and whole adult world. b) adults - 20 to 30 - they became more aware of social problems, they have to be more responsible, they finish school, make their living (earn money f...
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Prednášky na Podnikovohospodársku štatistiku
Prednášky46 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Prednášky na Podnikovohospodárska štatistika PHŠ od prof. Sodomovej
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Jobs and professions - Every person has to earn a living by doing a job.
Vypracované otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Every person has to earn a living by doing a job. Choosing one's job is a challenge /výzva/ and it can take time to make a final decision and choose the job we would like to do.In childhood and even later as teenagers, we do not think hard about our future seriously. We want to he pop singers, actors, actresses or even top sportsmen. As we grow up, we become wiser and we gradually have an idea about what we would like to do. We need a job in which we can make the most of our talent, as well as a...
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Prednášky Bankové operácie 2010/2011
Prednášky41 s. / - roč. / docx
Prednášky z bankových operácií od prof. Bouškovej
Finančná veda, do oblasti ktorej sa zahŕňa aj problematika peňažníctva a bankovníctva, vo vývoji ľudskej spoločnosti nepochybne patrí k najstarším vedným disciplínam popri filozofii.Peňažníctvo – sústava peňažných inštitúcií v určitom štáte. Do tejto sústavy sa predovšetkým zahŕňajú banky a sporiteľne ale aj rozličné iné peňažné ústavy.
Možno teda povedať, že tento pojem je historický, do ktorého už v 19. st....
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Towns and Places - There are many places to live all over the world
Vypracované otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
There are many places to live all over the world. There are large cities like Tokyo, Mexico City and Rio. But there are also out of the way places like Siberia, the Serengeti Plains and the Amazon jungle.Different places in the world are famous for different reasons. New York City is famous for its parades. One of the most famous is the annual Thanksgiving Day parade, which is shown on television. In the UK, people often think of Trafalgar Square as a place where you can go to feed the pigeons. ...
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Bankové operácie
Skriptá139 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Kniha z bankových operácií vo worde .
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Common Phrasal Verbs (frázové spojenia v angličtine)
Testy21 s. / 1. roč. / doc
break down
The bus has broken down.
He broke down and cried when he heard the news.
break into
They broke into the house while everyone was sleeping.
bring up
Their parents brought them up to be polite....
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Travel - to school, to work, for a holiday
Vypracované otázky2 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Every day hundreds of people travel from one place to another. They travel to work, to school or on business. Many people travel for pleasure and travelling becomes one of the most popular hobbies.Many people prefer staying at the seaside, while others are interested in local traditions, history and culture, like talking to local people and sharing opinions. The way you spend your holidays depends mostly on money. If you have a lot of money you can afford an expensive holiday using all the servi...
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Communication and Its Forms
Maturitné otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Verbal communication is spoken language, which is often spontaneous. If necessary, we may repeat our sentences and explain them in another simpler way. In verbal communication we can use stress, tone and the modulation of the voice to express different meanings. Spoken language can also include laughter, sighs and long expressive pauses to produce additional meaning. It is usually face to face which allows us ask questions and get immediate answers.Written communication requires more thought and...
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Shopping and services
Maturitné otázky2 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Shopping is closely related to the “consumer society”. Consumer society is a society in which material goods are very important and also consumers themselves have a lot of power.In the past people used to buy mostly staple food, e.g. fruit, vegetable, meat and bread. They used to buy them in local shops in cities or villages where they lived and carried the goods home in heavy bags. Today people prefer going to large department stores and buy everything they need under one roof. They especially ...
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Science and technology
Maturitné otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Mankind has come a long way during its existence. People started changing the world, trying to make their lives easier and more comfortable. They invented the wheel, started transporting goods and traded precious materials. They built water mills which use wind energy. In the 15th and I6th centuries there happened the important events - the discovery and exploration by Europeans of new continents, such as America, Asia, Africa: the invention of the printing press; and developments in the true sc...
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Multicultural Society
Maturitné otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
A multicultural society includes people from several different cultures. People of different colours, nationalities, languages, beliefs and customs live together in one community. Many governments support the integration of other ethnic groups into society. Multicultural education aims to prepare children for living in a multiracial society. It gives them an understanding of the cultures and histories of different ethnic groups. As a result, an initiative for multicultural teaching came in the U...
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Maturitné otázky4 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Many people, mostly women, are interested in fashion. Fashion is the style of dress or behaviour that is common or popular at a certain time. Many young people (and not only) are fashion-conscious and try to follow the latest trends in fashion, watching fashion shows and reading fashion magazines.Fashion styles often change. When mini-skirts first came into fashion, women said they would never wear them. But in the 1960s, women started to shorten their skirts and mini¬skirts were very popular fo...
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Man and Nature
Maturitné otázky2 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Man has always been dependant on the natural world surrounding him. Thousands of years ago he used only what he needed: he cut wood to make a fire and a shelter; he picked wild berries; and killed animals to feed his family. The civilization process has scared the world we live in. The population grew and people needed and wanted more. People build factories to produce more goods and build power stations to produce more electricity. They built more, and bigger, vehicles to transport goods to mor...
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Culture and the Arts
Maturitné otázky2 s. / 4. roč. / doc
The Short Dictionary of Slovak Language defines “the culture” as the summary of results of creative human activity during the development of human society, civilization.
When speaking about culture, we can differentiate many kinds of culture, e.g. material culture, spiritual culture, language culture, culture of behaviour and so on.
As for “the art”, it is defined in the same dictionary as the ability to create literary, musical and other works as esthetical reflection of reality.
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Maturitné otázky2 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Education is very important these days. If you want to succeed in our highly-developed society you need a good education. There have been some serious changes made in the educational system in Slovakia in the last few years. The National Curriculum has been changed, a new school-leaving exam is being introduced at secondary schools and many students are taking advantage of studying abroad, just to name a few.School attendance in Slovakia is compulsory from the age of six to sixteen. Besides stat...
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Health Care
Maturitné otázky1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Medicine is a word which relates to two concepts: 1) a drug or mixture of drugs,2) any science or practice concerned with sickness and health.A doctor is a person who has been trained in medical science. In Britain every person is registered with a local doctor, known as a general practitioner (GP). The patients´ names are on the GP´s list, and they make appointments to see the doctor. A physician is a doctor specializing in areas of treatment other than surgery. If a patient needs to see a spec...
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Národohospodárska politika
Prednášky80 s. / 1. roč. / rar
Vsetky prednasky od prof. Labaja 2008/2009
1. Predmet, ciele, subjekty HP
Ekonómia – je veda
- o vzťahoch medzi subjektami podieľajúcimi sa na tvorbe, rozdeľovaní a prerozdeľovaní, a spotrebe statkov.
- o vzťahoch medzi subjektami (domácnosti, firmy, štát). Vývoj vzťahov má podobu špirálovitú opakujúcu sa stále vo vyššej kvalitatívnej a kvantitatívnej úrovni.
Delí sa na 3 oblasti –> Makro, Mikro, Hospodárska politika
Mikro – zaoberá sa správaním individuálnych subjektov firiem, ...
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Podnikové financie
Prednášky60 s. / 2. roč. / rar
prednasky od prof. Fetisovovej ZS 2009/2010
Charakteristika krátkodobých financií
Cieľ podnikateľskej činnosti a finančné ciele
Pohotové peňažné prostriedky – zahŕňajú peniaze v širšom slova zmysle (peniaze v hotovosti,...)
+ krátkodobé CP.
Pohotové peňažné prostriedky – ako časť obežného majetku podniku.
Podnikový kapitál – ako strana finančnej štruktúry.
Podnikové peňažné prostriedky a podnikový kapitál sú v neustálom pohybe.
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Štatistika A
Prednášky45 s. / 2. roč. / rar
STA A od E.Soltesa ZS 2009/2010
Štatistika A
Štatistika je nástroj objektívneho poznávania reálneho sveta a jeho zákonitostí. Pojem štatistika má viacero významov: -vedná disciplína
-praktická činnosť
-štatistický úrad
-štatistické údaje.....
História štatistiky: 1.)Úradné zisťovania
2.)Univerzitná štátoveda
3.)Politická aritmetika
4.)Teória pravdepodobnosti
5.)Moderná štatistika (je charakterizovaná zberom veľkého množstva
štatistických údajov. Mode...
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Prednášky28 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Poistovnictvo od Ing.Drugdovej ZS 2009/2010
Poisťovníctvo prechádza vo svete u nás neustálym vývojom a všetci účastníci poistného vzťahu sa musia neprestajne prispôsobovať meniacej sa legislatíve, meniacim sa požiadavkám doby a silnejúcej konkurencii.
Poisťovníctvo je nevýrobným odvetvím ekonomiky zaoberajúce sa poisťovacou, zaisťovacou a zábrannou činnosťou.
Poisťovacou činnosťou sa rozumie dojednávanie a sprostredkovanie poistenia, jeho správa a poskytovanie poistnýc...
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Informatika A
Prednášky17 s. / 1. roč. / doc
je vedecká a inžinierska disciplína, ktorá sa zaoberá všetkými aspektmi spracovania, tvorby, analýzy a fungovania systémov; spracovania informácií, ich uplatnenia a pôsobenia v rozličných oblastiach ľudskej činnosti, využívajúc pri tom moderné prostriedky informačnej a komunikačnej techniky → INFORMATIZATION + AUTOMATIZATION = INFORMATIKA
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Podnikové hospodárstvo (spracovaná kniha)
Skriptá86 s. / 1. roč. / zip
spracovaná kniha Podnikove hospodarstvo - Štefan Majtán
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Electronic banking
Seminárna práca8 s. / - roč. / doc
The 21st century is “ The age of new Technologies “ , mostly of a fast changes. The world has changed and it never will be how it was one hundred, fifty or ten years ago. This changes relates to every specialization of human activity, and also to the banking. Basic banking services are not enought for people or this services are not enough flexible to go with the fast tempo of our life.
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