Geografia cestovného ruchu - Grécko
Referát3 s. / - roč. / doc
Leží v južnej Európe na juhu Balkánskeho polostrova a na Peloponézskom polostrove.
Grécko na severe hraničí s Albánskom (282 km hraníc), Macedónskom (246 km) a Bulharskom (494 km) a na východe s Tureckom (206 km). Medzi Gréckom a Tureckom leží Egejské more, zo západu Grécko obklopuje Iónske more a z juhu Stredozemné more. Celková dĺžka pobrežia je 13 676 km. Ku Grécku patrí okolo 2 000 ostrovov, ležiacich prevažne v Egejskom mori.
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Štátnicové otázky3 s. / - roč. / doc
It is not certain whether money makes us happier, but we can undoubtedly say that we are not able to live without it. Although we come across it almost everywhere and every time, we never think about what it is, where it came from and what stood behind its development.
It is not easy to define money as it has various different functions. Firstly, according to Bernard Lietaer, an economist and one of the designers of the Euro, "money is an agreement within a community to use something as a medi...
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Štátnicové otázky2 s. / - roč. / doc
When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in the appointments section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for job by sending in a letter of application or covering letter and a curriculum vitae containing details of their education and experience. A company may also ask candidates to complete a standart application form.
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Setting up a business
Štátnicové otázky2 s. / - roč. / doc
Before starting a business one should think over a few important issues. At first he has to decide in which way he will enterprise. There are several possibilities how to start a business:
1. to start a business as a Sole Proprietor,
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The stock market
Štátnicové otázky1 s. / - roč. / doc
A company can raise money on the stock market(stock Exchange – a market place for buying and selling shares) in two different ways.
It can issue shares(US stocks), or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the general public. Different types of shares or equities are available, but most common are known as ordinary or common shares(US common stock).
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Company structure
Štátnicové otázky3 s. / - roč. / doc
A company is, in general, any group of persons (known as its members) united to pursue a common interest. It is formed to make profit.
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