Všetky náležitosti na absolvovanie predmetu Anglický jazyk
Vypracované otázky30 s. / 2. roč. / rar
Čo znamená pojem organizácia osobného času?Organizácia osobného času je o kontrole využívania vášho najviac cenného (a nedoceneného) zdroja. Uvažujme tieto dve otázky: čo by sa mohlo stať ak by ste použili peniaze firmy ktoré boli použité na mrhanie času , kedy ste naposledy naplánovali kontrolu rozdelenia vášho času?Neprítomnosť organizácie osobného času je charakteristická zhonom stihnúť schôdzku na poslednú chvíľu, stretnutiami ktoré sú buď rezervované dvakrát alebo sú neuskutočnené, dni ktor...
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Pomôcka na prvý test z anglického jazyka
Poznámky1 s. / 1. roč. / docx
Materiál potrebný k vypracovaniu prvému testu z Anglického jazyka 1.
Trainee - a person who is being trained for a job.
Intern - a student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in order to get experience. Full-time job - working the full number of hours considered normal or standard. NormallyPart-time job - working or involving fewer hours than is considered normal or standard. Shifts - the scheduled period of time during which a person works. Overtime - time spent work...
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Angličtina 1 - ťahák k záverečnému testu
Ťahák1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
to manufacture - manufacturing
to develop - development
to improve - improvement
to achieve - achievement
to transform - transformation...
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Ernest Miller Hemingway - Nobel Prize
Prezentácia4 s. / 2. roč. / rar
Dve prezentácie aj s prekladom:
Good afternoom, ladies and gentlemen. Let me Introduce myself. My name is XXX, and I am going to be talking about Television. I would like to divide my presentation into two parts. First I’ll talk about principal mean, second I‘ll describe expansion of television. If you don’t mind , we ‘ll leave questions until the end.
1.Principal mean
Television is important carrier of news, opinions and ...
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Ekonomické slovíčka z Anglického jazyka
Študijný materiál4 s. / 1. roč. / rar
Preklad ekonomických slovíčok a viet do angličtiny (s.r.o., a.s., ...)
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Computer (english)
Seminárna práca7 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions.
Computers take numerous physical forms. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers. Today, computers can be made small enough to fit into a wrist watch and be powered from a watch battery. Society has come to recognize personal computers and their portable equivalent, the laptop computer, as icons of the information age; they are ...
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Moveable TV
Semestrálna práca1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Operation methods
1. You have to turn on the TV.
2. Then You have to connect the external antenna,video jack , VGA or the telescopic antenna.
3. You have to choose the power supply- AC adapter or DC adapter (car adapter) - it depends on the place where you are.
4. You should choose what you want to see by the remote control. If you would like to see TV movies, you choose the station using the shift on the remote control and you can watch.
5. If you want to watch movies from DVD, Vide...
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Anglický jazyk - referát (Televízia)
Referát3 s. / 2. roč. / zip
Television (gr. tele – transmission + lat. vision - picture) is important carrier of news, opinions and entertainment. Telecast helps increase culture level of people.
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International bussines
Referát3 s. / 1. roč. / doc
International business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics,and transportation) that take place between two or more nations. Usually, private companies undertake such transactions for profit; governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons.
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Manufacturing management
Semestrálna práca1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is …. and I would like to talk about manufacturing management. If you don´t mind, we will leave questions until the end.
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Alexander Graham Bell - biography
Referát2 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922), American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and educated at the universities of Edinburgh and London. He immigrated to Canada in 1870 and to the United States in 1871. In the United States he began teaching deaf-mutes, publicizing the system called visible speech. The system, which was developed by his father, the Scottish educator Alexander Melville Bell, sh...
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Anglický jazyk I žiadosť o zamestnanie
Poznámky1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
I would like to apply for the position of your company which is a dealer BMW cars, which was recently advertised in the newspaper on 2nd October.
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Computers - prezentácia
Prezentácia1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Good afternoon teacher and students. My name is ............. and I am student of Faculty of Manufactoring Technologies. I prepared for you presentation about Computers. I would like to divide my presentation into three parts. First, I will talk you something from history of computers, second I will descripe computer and its accessories, finally I will analyze producers of computers.
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Nobelová cena za chémiu
Referát4 s. / 2. roč. / docx
Referat o Nobelovej cene pekne urobeny po slovensky a aj po anglicky hned prelozeny
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Esej1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Good morning Lady and gentleman’s, Let me introduce myself. My name is ……………and I would like to tell you some information’s about telephone and some important thing about history of telephone.
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