Vypracované otázky z Angličtiny 2 ku skúške
Vypracované otázky9 s. / 2. roč. / docx
1. People and Workplaces. Company Structure. Careers in Engineering.
Employees and management
The people who work for a company, all the people on its payroll, are its employees, personnel staff, workers or workforce. But these words can mean just the people carrying out the work of a company, rather than those leading it and organizing it: the management.
Management and administration
A company´s most senior managers usually work in its head office. Some managers have their own individu...
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History of Object-oriented programing languages
Prezentácia12 s. / 1. roč. / rar
The two first object-oriented programing laguages were SIMULA I and SIMULA 67SIMULA I- was developted between years 1961 and 1964.SIMULA67-was developted at 1967.Both these languages were created by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard in Norwegian Computing Centre in Oslo,Norway.As it's name suggest SIMULA67 was created and developted for simulations of battle ships.The ideas of Simula 67 influenced many later languages, especially Smalltalk and derivatives of LISP and PASCAL. SIMULA67as first pr...
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Browser (prehliadač) - prezentácia na anglický jazyk
Prezentácia8 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
A Web browser is actually a software application that runs on your Internet-connected computer. It allows you to view Web pages, as well as use other content and technologies such as video, graphics files, and digital certificates, to name a few. Some browsers will translate only text while others do support graphics and animation.
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Anglicky jazyk 2
Ťahák2 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Engineering - what's it all about?
The words engine (machine with moving parts that converts the energy) and ingenious (original in design) are derived from the Latin root "ingenerare", which means "to create".
The first engineer known by name was Imhotep. builder of the Pyramid at Saqqarah, Egypt, probably in about 2550 BC. Imhotep's successors in ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome carried civil engineering to remarkable heights on the basis of arithmetic, geometry. and a sligh...
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Hard Disk
Semestrálna práca11 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
HDDs (introduced in 1956 as data storage for an IBM accounting computer) were originally developed for use with general purpose computers. During the 1990s, the need for large-scale, reliable storage, independent of a particular device, led to the introduction of embedded systems such as RAID arrays, network attached storage (NAS) systems and storage area network (SAN) systems that provide efficient and reliable access to large volumes of data. In the 21st century, HDD usage expanded into consum...
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Esej - korupcia - anglictina
Seminárna práca2 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Krátka esej na úvahu - korupcia na Slovensku. Obsahuje vlastný názor na problematiku, príklady a formu boja s ňou. Hovorí o príkladoch boja s korupciou v domovskom meste. Esej je napísaná v anglickom jazyku a neobsahuje žiadne zdroje okrem vlastných úvah. Ako príklad uvádza korupciu v zdravotníctve - lekára, ktorý za to, aby ošetril pacienta, zoberie úplatok a konkrétny príklad toho, že aj napriek udaniu lekára sa tento vedel vynájsť a otvoriť si vlastnú ambulanciu.
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Advertising - positive and negative
Prezentácia14 s. / 1. roč. / pptx
What is advertising?
Advertising is providing information, calling attention to, and making known something that you want to sell or promote...
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Computeres - prezentácia
Prezentácia16 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
Historický vývoj počítačov, súčasné počítače popis súčastí počítačov
v anglickom jazyku
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Drilling (vŕtanie) - angličtina
Prezentácia6 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
Drilled holes are characterized by their sharp edge on the entrance side and the presence of burrs on the exit side (unless they have been removed). Also, the inside of the hole usually has helical feed marks. Drilling may affect the mechanical properties of the workpiece by creating low residual stresses around the hole opening and a very thin layer of highly stressed and disturbed material on the newly formed surface. This causes the workpiece to become more susceptible to corrosion at the str...
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The Printer
Prezentácia11 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
In computing, a printer is a peripheral which produces a hard copy (permanent human-readable text and/or graphics) of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many printers are primarily used as local peripherals, and are attached by a printer cable or, in most newer printers, a USB cable to a computer which serves as a document source. Some printers, commonly known as network printers, have built-in network interfaces (typically wirel...
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Anglicky jazyk 2 - odfotený test na zápočte
Testy2 s. / 2. roč. / zip
Odfoťený test - nevypracovaný. English language - part time study - summer term, score: 100 points.
1. Translate to english:
- Internet je najväčšia počítačová sieť na svete.
- Titán je taký pevný ako oceľ a je o 45% ľahší ako hliník.
- Email umožňuje používateľom poslať elektronickú poštu...
2. Explaint this abbreviations:
- CD
- LASER...
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Aerial transportation in Slovakia
Projekt3 s. / 2. roč. / doc
In this century is in Slovakia more developed road transportation, but over time aerial transportation is starting to become important for travelers. This form is not only fast, attractive but especially comfortable. Advantage of Slovakia is its geographic position – middle of Europe, crossing of business roads.
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Diesel Engine (preklad v slovenčine)
Referát5 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Naftový motor je vnútorne spaľovací motor, ktorý pracuje na báze naftového cyklu (pomenovaná po Dr Rudolf Diesel). Naftové motory majú najvyššiu tepelnú účinnosť oproti akékoľvek inému vnútornému alebo vonkajšiemu spaľovaciemu motoru.
Charakteristickým znakom vznetového motora je využitie kompresného vznietenia paliva, ktoré sa vstrekuje do spaľovacej komory, počas záverečnej fázy kompresie. To je v kontraste s benzínovým motorom alebo plynovým motorom, ktorý využíva Otto cyklus, v k...
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Drilling - vŕtanie
Projekt7 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
Vypracovana prezentacia Drilling (vrtanie) na AJ 2 - rocnik druhy. Obsahuje obrazky a text (zakaldne a podstatne veci, nie skopirovana kopa nezmyslov)
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Grinding (brúsenie prezentácia)
Prezentácia7 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
Grinding (brusenie) - prezentacia v powerpointe na Anglicky jazyk II (rocnik druhy). Prezntacia obsahuje 7 slidov s obrazkami, prehladnym popisom a zaverom s kontaktom.
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Anglický Jazyk 2 - zápočtový test (vypracovaný)
Testy1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Vypracovaný test zo zápočtovky. Niektoré z otázok:
Internet je najvacsia pocitacova siet na svete.
The internet is the largest computer network all over the world.Na co sa pouziva chladnicka?
What is the refrigerator used for?
Preco su lasery idealne na komunikaciu vo vesmire?
Why are laser ideal for communication in space?
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Diesel Engine (english)
Referát4 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Diesel Engine
A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine which operates using the diesel cycle (named after Dr. Rudolph Diesel). Diesel engines have the highest thermal efficiency compared to any internal or external combustion engine.
The defining feature of the diesel engine is the use of compression ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber during the final stage of compression. This is in contrast to a petrol (gasoline) engine or gas engin...
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Artificial intelligence
Seminárna práca8 s. / 2. roč. / doc
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first used by John McCarthy who used it to mean "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines".
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Practise in Germany
Prezentácia4 s. / 2. roč. / rar
Company Dominik is the leader in its field in the European market. It deals with the selection, cultivation and distribution of ornamental plants, flowers, as well as sales of gardening tools and equipment used in the enhancement of gardens, the exterior of houses and buildings. Dominik Company is in the market for more than 50 years. During that time the company has grown to a dominant position in the field of horticulture in Europe.
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Anglický jazyk 2 (materiál)
Poznámky10 s. / 2. roč. / rar
potrebný materiál na zápočet z anj. Rôzne preklady ťaháky ,práce.
Obsah archívu:
Spracovanie textu.doc
ťahák 2.doc
ťahák 3.doc
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Anglický jazyk II
Ťahák10 s. / 2. roč. / rar
vypracovaný test na zápočet, presne to iste čo tam bude 100% správne
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