Different departments in company - Rôzne oddelenia v spoločnosti, Typy oddelení v spoločnosti
Referát2 s. / 3. roč. / doc
DIFFERENT DEPRTMENTS IN COMPANYKey words:Department is a division of a business specializing in a particular product or service.Company is an organization which sells goods or services in order to make money.Human resource is the department of an organization that deals with finding new employees, keeping records about all the organization's employees, and helping them with any problems.Human Resources (HR) - personnel department, department which manages the administrative aspects of the employ...
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Angličtina 16 lekcií (Anglický jazyk pre manažérov)
Poznámky50 s. / 2. roč. / zip
Bussines language, learning organization, problems, free trade, shopping, staying ahead, dealing with negative publicity, etc.
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Skriptum k Anglickému jazyku pre manažérov - First Insights into Business
Skriptá100 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
The Workbook contains 12 main units, each unit relating to one of the units in the Students' Book. These units offer a range of tasks focussing on language presented in the Student's book. The tasks can be done in the classroom or for homework.The main aim of the Workbook tasks is to both recycle and extend the vocabulary. presented in the unit and to expand on the topic knowledge you will have gained from the Students'Book. The asks also give further practice of the grammar presented in the Stu...
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Successful business icons (world and Slovak personalities in business)
Prezentácia14 s. / 1. roč. / zip
Prezentácia v PowerPointe + text vo Word-dokumente, na predmet Anglický jazyk pre manážerov, za prácu my bol udelený 22b z 25b ale to záleži aj nakonkretnom vyučujúcom a schopnostiach toho čo prezentuje (moje sú priemerne) :P dufam že niekomu to pomôže.
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Slovíčka na skúšku z Angličtiny pre manažérov
Študijný materiál28 s. / 1. roč. / zip
Tento dokument obsahuje potrebné slovíčka z prekladom a definíciami, potrebných na skúšku z Anglického jazyka pre manažérov. Obsahuje Unit 1 a Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4 a Unit 5.
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Importance of computer skills in the changing job environment
Seminárna práca11 s. / 1. roč. / zip
Word práca (2 strany) a prezentacia (9 strán) na Angličtinu na tému Importance of computer skills in the changing job environment slide presentation.
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New Insights into Business - Student's Book
Skriptá177 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
Skriptum k Anglicému jazyku pre manažérov New Insights into Business - Student's Book. Skriptum obsahuje pri každej kapitole leading, reading, vocabulary development, language focus, skills focus. Kniha je kompletne písaná v anglickom jazyku spolu s kľúčmi správnych odpovedí na konci skripta.
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Disposable products
Referát1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Disposable products
I think that disposable products are very popular in Slovakia. We use a lot of disposable products such as disposable lighter, ballpoint pen, trowaway razor, plastic bottle,...
I use disposable products very often because this products are cheap and I like them.
I often use a ballpoint pen, because I very often forgive pen so I need a new pen almost every day.
In my opinion is very easy and cheap use disposable products but it isn´t good for enviroment. Sometimes littl...
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Business report (english)
Projekt3 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Business report v anglickom jazyku
This report sets out to analyze the profit and loss accounts of the three new lifestyle magazines introduced to the market in February 2006. The report was written to the Director of Finance Department of the Révai Publisher company. The aim of the report is to state and appraise the changes that appeared between February 2006 and the end of the year.
The following three magazines summarize our key findings:
1. GamePlanet
2. G...
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The Role of Advertisement (english)
Seminárna práca2 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinforcement of "brand image" and "brand loyalty".
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Business Letter (english)
Študijný materiál1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Business letter of a merger of two companies, it's advantages and disadvantages...
On behalf of your company you should write a letter to your key business partner in which you announce a merger with your competitor.
The letter includes:
-with which company you have merged (or you are going to merge) and why
-with which company you have merged (or you are going to merge) and why
-some information about the company you have merged with
-in what way the merger will affect the relations with ...
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Women in manager position
Referát4 s. / 2. roč. / doc
At first I would like to inform you about the position in human history. It has been inconsistent throughout the history of humankind. More than 5,000 years ago, women enjoyed dominant social status. From this period, well–known clay statues of Venus. After the animalpowered plough was invented, the dominánt position of women was relegated by men. The woman was somehow pushed aside with sole responsibility for taking care of her offspring, household and her man...
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Working with woods
Semestrálna práca2 s. / - roč. / docx
Prezentácia na anglinu na tému Working with woods.
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