Canada - Attractive Investment and Trading Partner for EU and Slovakia
Seminárna práca24 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Canada - General Information
By the size of the territory, Canada is second largest country in the world after Russia. Its population is small, 33,7 million people, only about one-fifth of Russia's. Canada is a federation that is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. One of the world's highly developed countries, Canada ha...
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English for Business Studies - Teacher´s Book (MacKenzie Ian)
Skriptá125 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
English for Business Studies je učebnica pre upper-intermediate and advanced študentov, ktorí potrebujú porozumieť a hovoriť o kľúčových pojmoch z oblasti podnikania a ekonomiky....English for Business Studies is an upper-intermediate to advanced level reading, listening, speaking and writing course (Common European Framework for Languages levels B2-C2) for learners who need to understand and express the the key concepts of business and economics in English. It covers the most important areas of...
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Maturitné otázky z angličtiny
Maturitné otázky22 s. / 4. roč. / zip
Maturitné otázky z angliny. V krátkosti vypracovaných 22 maturitných otázok.
Maturitná otázka č. 2Task2 – CULTURE AND ART2.1 The word culture means – listening to music, art, literature, going to museums. Going to the cinema is an important event for young people, because they like meeting friends in the cinema, they like watching new films. After the film they talk about plot, actors. Many young people like going to discos. If you live in a small town – there is no cinema, no theatre. They lik...
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Vypracované témy na maturitu z anglického jazyka
Maturitné otázky32 s. / 1. roč. / rar
Zopár vypracovaných tém z maturity z anglického jazyka
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Maturita ANJ
Maturitné otázky23 s. / 4. roč. / zip
School and study
Most people realise that a good qualification is very important for a successful career. Educational systems and types of degrees differ quite a lot from country to country and each state is responsible for its own educational system.There have been some serious changes in the educational system in Slovakia in the last few years. The National Curriculum has been changed, a new school-leaving exam has been introduced at secondary schools and many students are taking advantage of...
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Word formation exercises with key
Študijný materiál5 s. / 5. roč. / zip
Tento materiál je určený pre študentov anglického jazyka na úrovni B1 - B2, prípadne pre budúcich alebo začínajúcich učiteľov angličtiny, ktorí ho môžu použiť ako doplnkový materiál počas svojich vyučovacích hodín. Nachádzajú sa tu dva súbory:- prvý súbor obsahuje 5 cvičení zameraných na tvorenie slov v anglickom jazyku- v druhom súbore nájdete kľúč so správnymi odpoveďami k cvičeniam.
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Me and Nature - krátka esej o Slovensku
Esej1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
My name is Patrik Papp and I live in Prešov. Prešov you can find on the east part of Slovak republic. Slovak republic is inland country. I think that enviroment in Prešov it is clean, but little polluted. Here is a lot of animals and plants. Some animals you can find here are bears, wolf, snakes, a lot of insects and my favourite animal dog. Plants in this country are vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, cayennes, cabages or cucumbers and fruits like pears, apples, walnuts or plums. Climate here...
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Maria Skłodowska Curie
Esej1 s. / 1. roč. / doc
She was a physicist and chemist. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first twice-honored Nobel laureate (and still the only one in two different sciences) and the first female professor at the University of Paris.
She was born in Warsaw, her parents was Bronisława and Władysław Skłodowski. Maria was the youngest of five children. Maria's early years were marked by the death of her sister Zofia (from typhus) and, two years later, the death of her mother (tuberculosis). These ...
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Cesta po Slovensku - prezentace
Prezentácia1 s. / 4. roč. / ppt
Cesta po Slovensku, najzaujímavejšie miesta Slovenska
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Terrorism (english)
Seminárna práca5 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. As an asymmetric form of conflict, it confers coercive p...
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Letter of complaint
Seminárna práca1 s. / 2. roč. / docx
Dear Orange Slovesnko s.r.o.,I am writing because of problem. I would like to inform you that on 06.12.2015 I bought a Huawei P9 type device in the Orange branch store in Rimavská Sobota with a 2-year loyalty statement.
The device stopped to work in March 2015 and got to the service. The device failed again and become almost useless so 16. 12. 2016 I took the device to the point of purchase. I was informed by to the lady working there, when they got back device they let me know. On 5 January ...
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Actions speak louder than words
Referát1 s. / 3. roč. / docx
Everybody knows what this title mean. We meet with situation where we can see it every day. We perceive more than 80 % world around us with our eyes. It is our strongest sense. It is one reason why actions mean more than words for us.
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Poznámky1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Travelling is very popular today. For most people travelling is a great hobby. Every summer we can see thousands of people waiting at the bus and railway stations and at the airports. We can travel for pleasure or on business, for short and long distance.
People want to see the most beautiful sights of the world.
There are many travel agencies, which arrange the trips for as. They reserve the trip, tickets and accommodation.
There are different ways of accommodation. During the holida...
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Angličtina - English for students of mechanical engineering
Skriptá68 s. / - roč. / pdf
Kniha na predment ANGLIČTINA.
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Sample letter reguest for payment
Seminárna práca1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Dear Neill Barker,
Re: Overdue Payment Reminder
Our records show that we still have not received your payment for ten thousand copies of a furniture catalogue which was delivered with invoice on August 12, 2010.The terms of credit in the contract of sale were for payment within thirty days of receipt of invoice.We...
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Curiculum vitae
Projekt1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Curriculum vitae. Životopis v angličtine. Podľa predlohy.
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Payment reminder
Seminárna práca1 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Reminder - oficiálny list
Dear Neill Barker
RE: Payment Reminder
Our records show that we still have not received your payment. If you remember, we wrote to you about that we have not received payment for thousand copies of a forniture catalogue. The terms in contract show that the payment be done within thirty days of receipt of invoice.
We have sent you two reminders with receipt of invoice, now is more then 8 weeks from your overdue...
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Culture and the Arts
Referát1 s. / 3. roč. / doc
projekt z tematického celku pre-intermediate - culture n arts
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