The primary source of law in a civil law system - code ( zákonník)- for example- the Civil Code in Slovakia, Code Civil in France!!!The primary source of law in a common law system- the opinion of judges ( = judicial opinion) as developed over the centuries ( also called case law- právo súdne práce, precedenčné právo)1. Legislation- the sovereign ( nezávislá, zvrchovaná, najvyššia) power to make law lies with Parliament ( Parliament has the power to enact- prijať, revoke - zrušiť or alter- meniť...
At the head of the State is the Queen. Today she is only a formal ruler and does not actually govern.
She is the symbolic head of the nation and of the Commonwealth.
The powers of the Queen are nowhere exactly defined. She is the personification of the State and theoretically every act of State is done in her name. She is the head of the executive, and integral part of the legislature, the head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces, and the temporal he...
Legal EnlishPossesion:holding of a thing,physical control over a thing. Representations:statements made before forming a contract in the phase of negotiating a contract. If these statement are untrue,misleading-Misrepr. Inherit:exclude from so after they have died,disinherit:receive prop.from the rightvto receive a gift of interheritance.Amending:it can be done by making a codicil, document which is addedto the existing will,it amends the will or revokes its provisions.the codicil must meet the ...
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