Implementácia eura na Slovensku
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07.08.2018 |
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Since 1st of January 2009 the Slovak Republic (Slovakia) should become the sixteenth member of the Eurozone (the EMU). This report analyzes and evaluates the preparation efforts of Slovakia. It can serve for purposes of external analysis for business entities that plan to or are already settled on the Slovak market. It will be also sent to the training center of the VUB, the second largest bank in Slovak Republic (Slovakia).
Kľúčové slová:
modern history
pragmatické aspekty
- 1. Introduction
2. Problem formulation
3. Method
3.1 Delimitations
4. Modern history of slovakia
5. Slovak strategy for entering the eurozone
5.1 Entrance to eu- entrance to erm ii
5.2 Entrance to erm ii- decision of the ecofin council
5.3 Decision of the ecofin council - membership in monetary union
5.4 Entering the eurozone- introduction of euro
6. Technical preparation
6.1 The national euro changeover plan for slovak republic
6.2 Technical experiences of other eu countries
6.3 Technical implications for the business sector
6.4 Communication strategy
6.5 Technical preparation conclusion
7. Economic preparation
7.1 Nominal convergence
7.2 Real convergence
7.3 Economic preparation conclusion
8. The implications of accepting euro
8.1 Macroeconomic impacts
8.2 Microeconomic impacts
8.3 Impact on business sector
8.4 Implications of euro conclusion
9. Conclusion
10. Business application
- Economics for business, David Begg and Damian Ward, McGraw-Hill Education, 2003
- The Effects of Euro Adoption on the Slovak Economy, Mgr. Martin Suster, NBS, 2006
- Social Psychology, David G. Myers, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 1993
- Are Slovak Citizens Informed About the Euro Changeover? Ing. Peter Szovics, PhD.-Ing. Maria Dubayova (Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), NBS, 2006
- Communication strategy on euro introduction in Slovakia, NBS-Government of the Slovak Republic, October 2007
- Stages of Introducing the euro in the SR, RNDr.František Hajnovič, Ing.Zora Kominková, CSc, Ing.Marián Nemec, CSc, NBS, 2004
- Economics of Monetary Union, Paul De Grauwe, Oxford University Press, 2007
- An Assessment of the Potential Effects of the Euro Changeover on Slovakia’s business sector, Ing. Marek Arendas, PhD., National Bank of Slovakia, 2006
- Marketing Management, An International Perspective, Volume 2, Compiled by Lyngby Business Academy, Pearson Education Limited, 2007
- OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic, OECD 2007
- OECD Economic Outlook 82, OECD 2007
- Verejna Ekonomika Pre Studentov Socialnej Pedagogiky, Zahranicno-ekonomicky ramec fungovania verejnej ekonomiky- Stav pripravenosti k prijatiu Eura SR, Stefan Izarik, Liptovky Mikulas, 2007
- Euro Papers- Commission Communication on the information strategy for the euro, European Commission, 1998
- VUB internal materials- Euro specialists power point presentations
- The Statistical Office of Slovak Republic- Public Opinion Surveys- May/ November 2006, May/November 2007, February 2008
- Sharon Begley, the Roots of Fear, Newsweek, December 24, 2007 issue
- (
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