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Status of women in politics of the Slovak republic

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A woman who decides to move in the world of diplomacy and in high politics has a much more lower status than her male colleagues. The woman is usually still considered to be a mother and wife in Slovakia, and that is why she does not receive support or admiration in the environment and this problem can lower the chances for a woman to enter the world of politics. For example, men have the misconception that a woman of action in politics and diplomacy, not force . The entrance of women into the policy requires the consent and support of a spouse or a life partner and other family members, but only on one condition: the family will not suffer. Although the home care is partly taken over by family members, most of the housework is left to a woman during the weekend and that is why the burden on women who are engaged in politics increases disproportionately. According to the view and research of some experts, the current status of women in society is different from the male perspective - in particular greater sensitivity to the problems of living and social security, health and education...

Kľúčové slová:

women in politics


  • Obstacles preventing participation and representation of women in politics
    Individual obstacles
    Systemic barriers
    Institutional obstacles

  • http://melancholix.blogy.atlas.sk/volby/1372
  • http://www.zutom.sk/profwomen/sk/postavenie.doc
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J. – Guráň, P. – Gyarfášová, O. – Farkašová, J. 1999. Gender Issues in Slovakia. A Global report on the State os Society. Bratislava. Institute for Public Affairs
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J. – Cviková,J. – Gyarfášová, O. – Farkašová, J. 2003. Women,Men, and Equality of Opportunities. A Global report on the State os Society. Bratislava. Institute for Public Affairs, pp.719 - 742
  • http://www.noveslovo.sk/archív/2002-10/zenyaspol.asp-51k
  • Koncepcia rovnosti príležitosti žien a mužov, 2001/ The concept of equal opportunities for women and men, 2001
  • CEDAW ( Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women). Country report Slovakia. 1996.
  • Filadelfiová,J. – Radičová,I. – Puliš, P. 2000 Ženy v politike. Bratislava: S.P.A.C.E. Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí rodiny SR
  • Filadelfiová, J.: Rovnaká účasť a zastúpenie žien a mužov vo verejných funkciách. In: Kvapilová, E. – Porubänová, S. : Nerovné cesty k rovnosti. Pohľady na ľudské a občianske práva žien na Slovensku. MSŠR, Bratislava 2001b.
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