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The Largest Environmental problems

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Nowadays we can see that world, we are living in, is changing every day. There are some technological events that help us to live better, but on the other side they pollute our environment. I have chosen some of the largest environmental problems, which are now affecting the world. Just a few societies are being left untouched by the environmental problems even though the globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues.

Every one of us, whatever age we are, can do something to help slow down and reverse some of the damage. We cannot leave the problem-solving entirely to the experts - we all have a responsibility for our environment. As populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep the World in good condition so that future generations will have the same natural resources that we have.

Some of the largest environmental problems I have identified in the Teko Company and I have found a number of solutions, which I would like to add to the end of my project. I know that these problems are very hard to be solved just by a few people and I hope this project will help us to realize how important the active participation is.

Kľúčové slová:

environmental problems

acid rain

hazardous waste

water pollution

air pollution

Teko Company

  • CONTENT -1-
    Introduction -1-
    1. Environmental problems -2-
    1.1 Acid Rain -2-
    1.2 Global warming -2-
    1.3 Hazardous waste -2-
    1.4 Ozone Layer Destruction -3-
    1.5 Smog -3-
    1.6 Water pollution -3-
    1.7 Overpopulation -4-
    1.8 Rain forest destruction -4-
    1.9 Air pollution -5-
    2. Teko Company and its activities -6-
    3. How to Solve Environmental Problems? -8-
    Conclusion -9-
    Sources -10-
    Enclosures -11-

  • Amstrong, S.J., Bolzler, R. G. (1993). The Role of Moral Philosophy. In Environmental Ethics, Divergence and Convergence, New-York.
  • Zapletal, V. (2000). Medzinárodná environmentálna politika. Bratislava: Eurounion.
  • Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (2003). State of the Environment Report.
  • Bratislava: MŽP. Available on the web:
  • Microsoft Encarta Premium Suite 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.
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