The USA - geography, places of interest
It covers an area of 9 372 614 sq km (nearly the same as the area of Europe) and the population is 263 814 032 inhabitants. The capital city is Washington D.C. (3 920 000); there are 106 ethnic groups in the USA today but the major are: white (80,3 %), black (12,1 %), American Indians, Hispanic and Eskimo.
The USA currency is One American Dollar (1 USD), which is 100 cents.
The USA is the fourth largest country in the world. The continental USA - 48 states - lie in the North American continent, and extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It is boarded by Canada on the north and by Mexico on the south-west. Alaska occupies the north-western end of the North American continent and is separated from the USA by Canada.
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