Hľadaj Zobraz: Univerzity Kategórie Rozšírené vyhľadávanie

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Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise

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Detaily projektu
The work is focused on the issue of using e-commerce in trading business. This method is an example of the progressive use of ICT in business. Now it´s starting use gradually displace traditional methods and forms of business ventures. Many enterprises helps to stay on the market, increasing the competitiveness and profits. The starting point is a theoretical treatment of the subject definitions relating to the business, commerce, commercial enterprise, e-commerce, which is classified as e-business. The focus of the work is to analyze the status and use of electronic commerce in the Slovak market in the European Union, the use of electronic sales and purchases in Slovakia and in the sport sector. Within enterprises, with a focus on sports equipment company was selected company EXIsport that through e-commerce sales its products. Financial analysis of company is drawn to determine the effect of introducing e-commerce on the profit.

Kľúčové slová:










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