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Personálny manažment - otázky

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26. Discuss how training is linked to other HR activities used by organizations?
Pojem vzdelávanie (tréning) označuje systematické, plánované úsilie organizácie umožniť, aby sa zamestnanci mali možnosť naučiť kompetentnosti, ktoré sú potrebné pre ich prácu. Vzdelávanie je tiež označované ako systematický proces, ktorý podporuje osvojovanie si zručností, pravidiel, konceptov, či postojov, výsledkom ktorého je, že zamestnanec lepšie spĺňa požiadavky práce. Cieľom vzdelávania je, aby si zamestnanci osvojili poznatky, zručnosti a spôsob správania sa, ktoré vyplývajú z ich práce a potom ich v práci aj uplatňovali. Vzdelávanie je teda zamerané na zlepšenie súčasného pracovného výkonu zamestnancov, nie je to príprava na budúce pracovné pozície.  

Kľúčové slová:

stratégia odmeňovania

výkon pracovníkov

výber a nábor pracovníkov

pay systém

analýza pracovného miesta

  • 10. Explain link between pay system and company strategy. What decission are to be made in order to link pay system with organizational strategy?
    19. How do gain sharing and profit sharing affect motivation of different employee groups? explain their concepts and differences between them.
    20. How managers can apply the mottivation theories to pay system?
    21. What is the participation, discuss the differences between financial and non – financial participation?
    22. What is a compensation and its objectives? How to set up compensation system in organization?
    23. Describe the job analysis and tell how you can use it in other HR activities?
    24. How does internal staffing integrate the processes of recruitment, selection, and separation/ retention? how i tis different from exernal staffing?
    25. What is the benefits objectives and strategies? How benefits influence the company costs and employee behavior?
    26. Discuss how training is linked to other HR activities used by organizations?
    27. How are employment relations programs designed in the organization?
    28. Discuss the concept of learning in training and the importance of transfer between training and the job.
    29. What are the main job evaluation methods? What is the major advantage and disadvantage of each?
    30. How you would combine the selection techniques? What is a validity of each technique?
    31. What is training, and why do organizations regard it as a strategic investment?
    32. Define performance management, its objectives and measurement?
    33. What is job evaluation? Why is it important? How are job evaluated and why?
    34. How to increase the reliability of selection process? Discuss and explain.
    35. How to evaluate training? How to evaluate selection process?Explain

  • Bajzíková - Základy personálneho manažmentu
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